About me

Education and Research Experiences


Ph.D. Student in Engineering in Computer Science.

During my Ph.D. I am working both at Sapienza University of Rome and at Robert Bosch Campus, Renningen, Germany. The main topic of my research is life-long SLAM focusing on resource awareness.
My advisor is Prof. Giorgio Grisetti. You can find here my updated CV for further details.

June 2018 – NOW

I am doing a long term abroad period in Germany and my focus is the SLAM State Machine and the SLAM unification. Other research topics have been RGB-D SLAM and Multi-Sensor Calibration.

November 2017 – May 2018

I worked on Calibration and 2D SLAM at Sapienza University of Rome. Developed software for the srrg codebase

Master’s Degree

September 2014 – July 2017

I received my Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from Sapienza University of Rome.
The title of my thesis was
    ProSLAM student edition: a minimalistic stereo visual SLAM system
Supervised by Prof. Giorgio Grisetti and Ph.D. Dominik Schlegel

Bachelor’s Degree

September 2010 – March 2014

I achieved my Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering at University of Catania (2010-2014). The title of my thesis was
     Progettazione e sviluppo di un sistema per l’obstacle avoidance senza target tracking